november's bullet journal.

This Month’s Bullet Journal Aesthetic

I know we’ve already passed the middle mark when it comes to November, but hey! Better late than never, right? Besides, starting this brand new blog with this sort of post sets the perfect stage for what’s to come or where I hope this blog will go. So without further ado; this is what my current bullet journal layout looks like, stickers and all!

creativity prompts

Besides my usual tracker and chores planner, I decided to devote a little corner on my left page to creativity prompts from now on. Stuff I want to draw or craft in the week to come, for example, in the hopes of putting an extra, motivating spotlight on those kinds of to dos. I used to put them in the same list as blog ideas and general tasks, you see, and apparently tended to overlook them when push came to shove. Oops… Besides, seeing that I really want to throw myself into this new personal chapter of mine, it seemed fitting that I would give this sort of thing a more prominent spot in my planner.

moon/non-moon weeks

The empty slot next to my daily magic tracker is stuffed with something else each week. And with ‘something else’ I actually mean moon info whenever there’s a new or full one happening, and - well - absolutely nothing when there’s not. I’m still on the lookout for ideas during non-weeks, so feel free to drop yours in the comments! Looking at this month’s moons, I’m afraid I should apologise for missing the new moon entirely. I blame the All Hallow’s Eve hangover because I didn’t even have the energy to plan an entire week’s worth of creativity at that time. There is still a Full Moon coming this Friday 19th, however, and it’s supposed to be a really transformative and exciting one in addition to the usual call to take it easy. It’s in Taurus AND it’s the last lunar eclipse of the year, so I urge you to look up a couple of fun articles (like this one) to find out what to expect, or - when you’re like me and you like to believe you’re the one in control (you’re still not the boss of me, miss moon!) - what things you can work on or with this month.

colour palette

Hues of yellow, orange, blue and gold are what I thought would fit November perfectly, don’t you think? And it’s with this in mind that I went digging through my Pinterest for some pretty images to take up their regular spot on the right page. These are the ones that made the cut!

original stickers

And, of course, last but not least: my stickers of the month! I’m particularly fond of the monarch butterfly I managed to pull out of my sleeve, which is why I decided to use it in this blog’s brand new logo for now. Speaking of stickers… Designing and offering themed sticker sheets is something that’s on the top of my list when it comes to developing this little creative space into a business, so I’m currently experimenting with the background and layout. Just thought I’d give you a head’s up. ;-) For now, however, there’s absolutely nothing stopping you from saving the cuties below and printing them yourself. In fact, I’d love it if you do, and lovingly spread some snaps and tags around while you’re at it!

what’s your favourite sticker this month?

Love, always.

Nelle 🌿

• she/her • Basically the slightly weird one since 1989. Film fanatic, occasional over-sharer, frequent over-thinker. So, yes, I blog.

a very crafty Christmas to do list.