How I'm showcasing this year's goals in my bullet journal.

How I'm Showcasing This Year's Goals In My Bullet Journal.

By putting them front and center, of course! I haven’t been one to put myself under a lot of pressure these last couple of New Years, to be honest, but this time? Boy, did I go all out for 2022. Read on and find out which loads I’m putting onto my shoulders this year. Voluntarily! Who would have thought?

word of the year.

This is a first time thing so I have no idea what impact it’ll have in the end, but I thought the whole ‘choose one word to guide you in the new year’- thing was rather original in addition to the cliché resolutions. I regretfully have no idea whatsoever about where I picked it up, but I can’t wait to try it out as 2022 progresses. I thought about choosing the verb ‘live’ first, but changed it to ‘alive’ later because, well… Sometimes just being alive, and - especially - being grateful for that (and aware of it) is more than enough, don’t you think? Besides, reeeeaaaally living is just something that’s different for everyone, isn’t it? You (or me, personally, anyway) can’t quite put a real meaning to the whole thing, and that uncertainty didn’t seem like a good thing to take with me into this new year. What word would you choose, I’m curious?

a visualisation of goals.

As my bullet journal and Notes app are already chock full of lists, I decided to put a spin on my new year’s resolutions and use pictures instead. I spent a good deal of time looking for the perfect candidates, and came up with the ones you can spot in the photo above. I could explain every single one of them, but that’s no fun, right? I’d rather let you guess, haha! The handwritten quote I put in should speak for itself, though. No idea where it originated, but I just fell in love with it the minute it caught my eye. Maybe it’s because I’ve always been a hopeless little romantic, one leg stuck in the movies and stories I love so much, the other pathetically hopping about in real life. The latter just never seems up to parr with expectations created by the before-mentioned, sound familiar? Oh, well. Guess it resonated.

a future me.

Aha! Here’s one of those infamous lists! The layout shamelessly stolen from the internet and personalised according to yours truly. It’s a bit ambitious, I must admit, but there’s something about sternly writing things down that sort of confronts you with what you really want. Not to mention what putting it out there could do. That being said: yes. Well-spotted. I’m quitting the nicotine. Next week! Put it into your agendas so you can terrorise me with a couple of well-deserved remarks whenever you catch me failing.

read more.

Right next to that is the good old ‘read more’ resolution, and under that the resolution to watch more ‘new’ things instead of binging zero-brainer series I’ve binged way too many times. No offence, Community, Friends, HIMYM, Gilmore Girls, etc. I’m just missing out on so many things and you’re quite distracting. There, I said it.

a year in photographs and a monthly playlist.

Not pictured BUT included in the front of that brand spankin’ new bullet journal of mine: a challenge to put in one physical picture every month (I’ve had an instax for years, never used it) and room to put in a couple of ‘songs of the month’. One of the bad habits I want to get rid of is always reaching for those bingeable series to put on in the background whenever I’m cooking, doing the dishes or even cleaning my apartment, you see. It’s horrible, really, and it needs to stop. More music, gawddamnit!


Let’s finish this post with the stickers I chose to cheer up the first month of 2022’s weekly pages, shall we? Just so we can end on a lighter note and I can pretend I did not just promise a whole lot of nearly-impossible things for a minute. Here are the pictures I dug up scrolling through a couple of old boards on Pinterest:

(Why, yes. I am once again obsessed with doing my nails that way these days.)

And here are a couple of doodles by me, that I repurposed and/or pimped, and printed out to brighten up the pages:

The raccoon is probably one of the quickest, simplest things I drew on a whim last year. So, naturally, it’s also my favourite thing I drew last year.

Do you have resolutions/goals/whatever you want to call them for 2022? What are they?

Love, always,

Nelle 🌿

• she/her • Basically the slightly weird one since 1989. Film fanatic, occasional over-sharer, frequent over-thinker. So, yes, I blog.

What I'm listening to to stay focused.


a very crafty Christmas to do list.