October wardrobe favourites.
Promising myself to wear these favourites outside of October, because why the hell not.
People who have been following my blogposts are probably tired of hearing this, but I love a good Autumn and Winter wardrobe so much more than I will ever love other seasonal looks. It’s a whole other vibe, with prettier colours (or lack thereof, haha) and all-round cosier and comfier fits. Most importantly: I feel good in these outfits, and with cuffing season-related mood swings and self-confidence lows (bear with), that can mean a whole lot to me. This post, however, is not meant to be a downer discussing all those cliché topics, but rather a celebration of my favourite October outfits so far, and my go-tos when it comes to completing the looks. Here goes!
ALL-BLACK || With working in an establishment that has an all-black/grey dresscode all year round, you’d think I’d get tired of it, wouldn’t you? In a way, that’s true, because in a busy work environment in which you can almost only wear t-shirts and jeans, even when it’s cold out, choosing an outfit CAN be kind of boring. That changes, however, when I get to play with prints and different models of tops. The black top I have with the witchy sleeves, for example, is definitely a favourite these days. As is the printed t-shirt I have with an illustration designed by fellow-artist Nikki Smits, that fits Spooktober perfectly.
CHECKERED PANTS || One of my favourite buys, as in ever, is a checkered, wide-legged jeans by Monki. I scored it with a pretty big discount, as well, which only makes it better. Close second? The one part off-white, one part black jeans I have of the same brand. That being said… Whatever the bleep happened to them? I used to like their collection so much, but now it’s just so bland, AND what an awful thing to do, cutting their plus-size collection. Shame, shame.
STRIPES, BUT MAKE IT SPOOKY || Although plain black and white stripes remain a timeless staple in my wardrobe (especially good with black dungarees!), the black/orange one often wins out on them in October. It just screams Halloween, don’t you think? Must keep an eye out for a black/purple version, haha.
POP CULTURE PRINTS || A very notable thing about my wardrobe? It’s chock-full of film and band shirts, and a lot of those are extra wearable during this time of year. From Beetlejuice & Steven Rhodes merch, to Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds.
SOCKS, BUT MAKE ‘EM SPOOKY || I have an entire collection of them, and am careful not to wear them too much because I don’t want them to wear off so quickly. You know how socks are. It is difficult, however, to not show them off with these new pair of Docs I spoiled myself with last week. Oops.
MAKE UP || The colder seasons are perfect to up your makeup game, and I must say: there’s nothing that can top the eyeshadow palette I scored a couple of years ago. Because 1) It has THE best Autumn and Winter colours, as in: it has EVERYTHING. And 2) it’s The Nightmare Before Christmas themed. Which is probably the reason why it fits my favourite seasons so well, isn’t it?
JEWELLERY || From the bat ring I’ve had for ages, to the lovely YAMA’s (find her at nearly all the nearby conventions!) snake ring and a couple of spooky studs and earrings; my collection is ever expanding when it comes to finishing up a witchy outfit in a fun way.
NAILPOLISH || Seeing as I work with my hands a lot, I have a bit of a love/hate relationship going on with colouring my nails. When I do, however, I love applying either darker colours like forest green, black or deep purple, or lighter ones like white or bright orange these days. In fact… Silver sounds good as well, come to think of it. Memo to me!
HEADWEAR || Love a good witchy hat, now and again, but I must admit I haven’t had the guts to wear one yet. Perhaps soon, now that the temperatures are finally going down a bit!
Phew, that was a whole lot of pictures! But, hey, how else to really put the spotlight on one’s wardrobe, right? Hope you enjoyed this post, as it is rather different that what I usually share on this blog. Let me know if it’s a keeper!
q || what are your favourite outfit elements these days? Any staples you reach for daily? Or things you wish you could/would-dare-to wear more often?
Lots of love,