the big September reset.

About September being the ideal month for new beginnings, and how I’m starting afresh this month.

I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve always felt a surge of brand new energy the minute September turns up. Perhaps it’s a leftover from our good old school-going days, or simply the fact that after a busy, social, and frankly over-booked Summer, there’s so much you can reflect on, or learn from, to help you steer your life into a new, and/or slightly better direction before yet another year passes. That, and - of course - my beloved Autumn being just around the corner, has already given me so many ideas about how I’m going to fill up the rest of my year. Here are my favourite ways to kick off those new beginnings!

clean, declutter & get ready for cosy season

And by ‘declutter’ I don’t just mean material, palpable things, but habits, feelings and emotions, and whatever or whoever is irrevocably tied to those, as well. At this point in the year, you sort of know what’s been great the last couple of months, and what hasn’t, so now it’s up to you let go of the right (or in this case: the wrong) things and move forward. I, for one, can’t wait to spend the cosiest time of the year surrounded by my favourite things and people, and really enjoy and appreciate them while I’m at it. There’s just no room for anything else when all you should be doing is making the most of what’s left of 2024, don’t you think? As for getting my apartment ready for the season? Well, I can’t wait to make some room for old, and maybe a couple of new, seasonal decorations (a friend suggested a craft day, and honestly: best idea ever), and have challenged myself to expand my laundry room into a walk-in closet, as well. In short: lots of decluttering and home-improving to do, and I can’t wait to share the results with you!

reflect & set goals for the rest of the year (and further on)

Much as with what I’ve already mentioned above, September is my favourite time to reflect on what I’ve achieved, business-wise. What’s worked, what hasn’t, what I’ve enjoyed creating, etc… Just so I can continue doing what I love for the next couple of months, AND to figure out how I see myself going into 2025. You already know I’ve got a bit of a mission going on when it comes to my drawings, and since I’m about to enter my most creative time of the year, I want to make sure my schedule is entirely cleared for it. So stay tuned, lots of new things incoming. ;-)

get a new planner and go go go!

The 17-month planners by Rifle Paper Co. are my absolute favourite, and I’ve already filled this month UP TO THE BRIM with ideas and to dos. New planners are my kryptonite, peeps, they just make me so happy.

start something new.

A clear schedule means having time for some new things. Be it a new hobby, a new book, a new routine, a new course to really dive into, or just something you want to pick up again after a long time. There’s so many possibilities, but I’m leaning towards painting. I’ve got a couple of gouaches and brand new pencils itching to get out of that drawer.

plan something to look forward to.

Truth be told, the Summer holidays may be over for a lot of you, but I’ve still got a couple of weeks off saved up, that are coming right up at the end of this month. Although I’m not really planning on a big trip, I DO want to go on at least a couple of fun mini ones.

To sum all of the above up; the chance - or the excuse - to wipe the board and start with a clean slate is BY FAR my favourite thing about this month. And I can’t wait to have more time for the little things and good people, with a couple of clear goals in mind, but just one, real must-do: take each day as it comes and enjoy this time of year.

q || what’s your favourite thing about this time of year? anything you’re looking forward to (letting go)?

Lots of love,

Nelle 🌿

• she/her • Basically the slightly weird one since 1989. Film fanatic, occasional over-sharer, frequent over-thinker. So, yes, I blog.

ten things I want to do in September.


Why I switched to English.