A letter to everyone that has followed this creative journey from the beginning, joined along the way, and - especially - recently stumbled upon my work.
Dear readers,
You might have noticed that my commissions have been closed for a little while now, and I’m here to tell you that they will continue to be closed for the foreseeable future. Spells & Pencils is at a crossroads and I’m still figuring out which way to go, especially when it comes to the work I want to do for you. The thing is: the commissions I’ve become most known for are not necessarily the things I want to put out as an illustrator. Never have been, to be honest, although I put my heart and soul in each and every one of them. They’re often lovely celebrations of a life lived by the (perfectly fine) little rule book lots of us grow up with. Finding a partner, marriage, starting a family. And while I have loved celebrating these things with you, I think it’s time to at least swing one leg out of a demographic that doesn’t really resonate with me, personally.
SO. After all the commissions I’ve said yes to up to the end of last year, I’ll be taking more time to focus on my own work, while fine-tuning a new kind of commission/portrait that will leave room for the weirdos among us. You know, the ones ALSO doing their own thing, that ‘thing’ just accidentally not looking like a textbook life. I, myself, am one of those weirdos, you see. A proud one, at that, and it’s time to really try and put that into my illustrations. The ones I make for me, but especially the ones I make for you.
I truly hope to (still) find all of you right next to me on this road, as I can’t wait to show you guys where it’ll take us.
Lots of love,