Why I switched to English.
daily magic, the biz Nelle 🌿 daily magic, the biz Nelle 🌿

Why I switched to English.

Nope. My previous post wasn’t just a one-off: I am making a language switch on this blog, and will be writing all my future posts in my best English. Some of you know that I actually started out like this waaaaaay back when, but since it might’ve come as a little shock to my newest readers, I thought I owed you all at least a little bit of an explanation.

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I'm back!*
the biz Nelle 🌿 the biz Nelle 🌿

I'm back!*

*maar er staan heel wat veranderingen op til.

Meer daarover, en wat er momenteel allemaal in mijn hoofd speelt lees je in de post-vacation post hieronder!

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What I've been working on.
the biz Nelle 🌿 the biz Nelle 🌿

What I've been working on.

Omdat het hier even stil geweest is én de inspiratie/het spanningslevel van mijn leven momenteel preeeetty low is: een blik achter de schermen van Spells & Pencils, en wat er allemaal op til staat.

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