Freebie: this year’s Oscars ballot.
You kinda figured this was coming by now, right? Click or scroll through to get your hands on this year’s Oscars ballot!
how I’m spending Oscar night.
First of all, I’ve got to be honest with you; I’m a bit behind when it comes to seeing (as good as) every film pursuing this year’s most sought-after golden statues. Bit of a given with everything’s that’s been going on these last few weeks, but still… The countdown feels a bit off in general, since there’s quite a bit of drama going on this award season. Doesn’t have to make the night itself less fun, though, and I can’t wait to spend it with the usual Oscar crew, in fancy dress, sipping on cocktails and commenting on this year’s winners (and said drama, haha). Add the fact that we’ll have to improvise when it comes to streaming this year’s show (why, Belgian tv providers, whyyyy?!), and I bet it’ll be another exciting night full of surprises.
First thing’s first, though, and that’s checking out as much films as I can in a week, and filling out the annual ballot. In two colours, of course, as usual. One for the nominees I think will win, the other for the ones I’d have crowned myself. Let’s frickin’ do this!
free printable
As promised: a free printable for all my fellow-crazy people staying up for this year’s award season finale! Print it, fill it out, take lots of fun pictures of an equally fun night, and let me know how those predictions of yours turned out!
q || are you staying up this year?*
who would you like to see take home one of those statues?
Love, always.
*streaming tips more than welcome if you’re in the same, provider-less boat.