10 things I love about the holidays.
for fun, daily magic Nelle 🌿 for fun, daily magic Nelle 🌿

10 things I love about the holidays.

“No better thing to distract you from everything that stresses you out these days (or the terrible cold you currently have 🙋🏻‍♀️), than summing up some of the good,” is the advice I so often give friends who have a tough time in winter. Here’s me, following my own advice for once, and making a list of all my favourite things about this time of year. Here goes!

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Freebie: Oscar ballot.
for fun Nelle 🌿 for fun Nelle 🌿

Freebie: Oscar ballot.

Current status: obsessed with award season.

Dat mijn jaarlijkse invulpronostiek hier dus iets vroeger dan vorig jaar verschijnt, is daar slechts één logisch gevolg van. Hoe ik deze periode en de aankomende Oscarnacht het liefste van al beleef, én -uiteraard- de gratis download van het ballotje in kwestie: hieronder!

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